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What is TPACK?


TPACK refers to technological pedagogical content knowledge (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). This is where the technology, pedagogy and content intertwine to best enhance teaching and learning. This can be difficult to achieve depending on what teacher’s individual backgrounds are and how confident they feel in any given domain.


TCK – knowledge of how content and technology can work together for student learning

TPK – knowledge of how technology and pedagogy can work together for student learning

PCK – knowledge of how pedagogy and content can work together for student learning



How can you implement it?


Through careful and thoughtful planning on how to integrate technology, pedagogy and content in teaching and learning;

  1. What are the learning outcomes or content?

  2. What pedagogical practices are needed to teach that content?

  3. How can technology be used to support the pedagogy and content?



LAE 10 and technology usage:


Office 365 Online - Use for document creation and peer editing 

Wikis – peer feedback on writing

Voice Thread – presentations or commentary on stories

Digital cameras to make visual stories

Interactive smartboards to edit text as a class

Podcasts – to listen alongside reading a text, or for students to create

Inspiration computer program – brainstorming or mindmapping

Easybib – citations and references

Google drive – shared, collaborative document creation

Comic life – ipad app for story creation

Explain everything – iPad app for visual presentations

Discussion Questions:



What aspects of TPACK are you familiar with? In what ways have you implemented these principals in your teaching practice so far? What areas of TPACK would you like to focus on this year?

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